00Hong Kong Information Technology Industry Council (HKITIC)

The Federation of Hong Kong Industries is a statutory body founded by the Government in 1960 and is now representing about 2,500 companies in Hong Kong . It divides its members into 32 Industrial groups according to their principal products and business. ‘Group 25' was formed to represent the software and information technology (IT) industry and was formally admitted into the First Schedule of the Federation's Ordinance Chapter 321, passed by the Legislative Council, and published by the Gazette Notice on 19 May 2000.

 In view of the rapid growth and importance of the IT industry in Hong Kong and to encourage members to participate more actively in the work of the Federation, ‘Group 25' was organised into a Council in November 2001 under the name of the Hong Kong Information Technology Industry Council (HKITIC).

 HKITIC aims to attract a wide spectrum of IT companies and bring together an array of IT related businesses to explore ways of developing the industry in Hong Kong and overseas.

Objectives of the HKITIC

To create a platform through which HKITIC members shall have better exchange and bonding with other FHKI groups, R&D centers, universities, governmental departments and bureaus, as well as other business/commercial organisations or communities;

To introduce the capacities of our members in different IT areas of special expertise to FHKI members amongst different industries so as to create business opportunities for reciprocal industrial growth and development;

To foster and protect the interests of practitioners of IT industry by making their voices heard by decision-making government officials and their needs addressed in government policy making;

To form a united IT force for supporting the transformation of Hong Kong industries from traditional manufacturing, trading, servicing, sales and marketing into a digital economy of smart production systems, smart logistics and supply chain management, personalised O2O e-commerce, and digital social marketing applying the state-of-art technology in IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Smart City solutions as well as complying important standards of Industry 4.0 and Internet Plus.

To collaborate with members in FHKI or government projects for achieving synergy and uplifting the spirit of group unity benefiting not only the expansion of membership but also the whole HKITIC in establishing a leadership role of this digital industry transformation in Hong Kong.

Structure: Sub-committees

HKITIC, under the auspice of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, has formed a number of sub-committees with a wide-ranging of interests. They are described as follows:


Membership Drive (MD)

To develop a recruitment strategy for HKITIC so that it achieves good representation from across the IT industry.


Government and Sub-vented Funding (GF)

To update group members on various kinds of public funds, loans and grants available for the promotion of IT and benefit of the industry.


International Development and Co-operation (IDC)

To foster better relationships with overseas IT related bodies and associations, to enhance the network effect of the IT community on a global basis for better co-operation.


China Development and Co-operation (CDC)

To foster better relationships with Mainland IT related bodies and associations, to enhance closer co-operation and leverage off each other's strengths.


Academia Exchange – Talent Discovery and Knowledge Advancement (AE-TDKA)

To explore opportunities to exchange and cultivate talents, to enhance the pace of IT knowledge and promote academic co-operation between Hong Kong and elsewhere.


Education and Community Awareness (ECA )

To explore new ways of promoting IT and its relevance to the community as a whole, to handle and disseminate relevant information to Federation members.


Mobile and Multimedia Entertainment (MME)

To support mobile and multimedia entertainment industries in Hong Kong.


Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)

To deal with CEPA issues related to IT industry, and to capitalize on the benefits and incentives open to Hong Kong 's IT sector.


Ethics Committee (EC)

To further enhance ethical consciousness in the IT industry, with particular focus on the use of the Internet medium, and to promote a viable code of practices as guidance to participants in the IT industry, including Internet user


Policy Committee (PC)

To make comments on important consultation papers issued by the Government and other public bodies and to formulate views for submission to Government on issues of public concern and interest to our profession.

Structure: Advisory Committee

In addition to the various sub-committees that operate under the Council, the Council has formed an Advisory Committee whose objective is to provide expert advice and guidance to the Council on matters that may affect the interests and benefits of the IT industry (detailed list of sub-committees as attached). The Council invites experts from the academia, public or private sector to join the Advisory Committee on a personal capacity. They do not need to be a member of the Council or the Federation, nor would they have any voting rights or enjoy other member's benefits and rights. To ensure that the AC can carry out its duty, it will meet 2 or 3 times a year or whenever that is necessary.

The role of the AC is as follows:

To provide independent and expert advice to the Council on any issues that may affect the industry;

To review and comment on the SAR Government's IT strategy and development programme;

To ensure that the Council's activities are in line with the needs of today's businesses and to help accelerate the development and adaptation of information technologies which is vital for Hong Kong's future prosperity; and

To act as interface on IT and related matters for the Council with the Government and industry and to maintain strong ties with industry leaders and government officials.

Executive Committee

Committee Member


Contact HKITIC

For any enquiry, please fill out the form to contact us.

31/F, Billion Plaza
8 Cheung Yue Street
KOWLOON, Hong Kong

Join events

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1.Ahsay Systems Corporation Limited 亞勢系統有限公司

Ahsay offers secure backup solution to businesses. Users install client-side OBM backup application on all servers and workstations to backup data locally or to cloud. Administrator monitors all users' backups through CBS web console.

亞勢為企業提供了安全的備份解決方案。只需在所有伺服器和工作站上安裝用戶端 OBM 備份應用程式,即可將虛擬機、伺服器、桌面電腦的資料備份。管理員則可通過 CBS 的網頁主控台監控所有使用者的備份工作。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Ronnie Chan
Tel 電話: 3580 6976 / 9215 3799
Email 電郵: ronnie.chan@ahsay.com

2.Bechelon Consulting Limited 智朗資訊顧問有限公司

Bechelon is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, who provides Enterprise Solutions to SMEs in Hong Kong and China. The primary industry focus in on Manufacturing, Trading & Distribution and Retail. Bechelon offers a wide range of Microsoft products, including ERP, CRM, POS, Office 365, etc. Related consultancy services are also available to clients. 

智朗是微軟的金牌認證合作夥伴,主要為香港及中國內地的中小企業提供企業解決方案,多年來為製造業、貿易、分銷及零售業等不同行業服務。智朗為客人提供不同的微軟產品,包括ERP、CRM、POS、Office 365等等,亦會提供相關的咨詢及培訓服務。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Toney Chang
Tel 電話: 2620 0888 / 2620 0111
Email 電郵: toneychang@bechelon.com

3.Computer and Technologies Solutions Ltd. 科聯軟件有限公司

C&T Solutions, wholly owned subsidiary of Computer And Technologies Holdings Limited (C&T, SEHK00046) with over 25 years of excellent credentials, helps aspiring local SMEs improve productivity and competitiveness with TVP-specific software solutions — IPL HRMS human resources management system and VITOVA EIM document processing and management system with mobile access.

 科聯軟件為科聯集團(SEHK00046)子公司,以IPL HRMS人力資源管理系統及VITOVA文件管理系統助中小企透過科技券提升競爭力。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Emma Wong
Tel 電話: 2217 1511
Email 電郵: emma_wong@ctil.com

4.Data World Solutions Ltd. 達訊顧問有限公司

Data World is a leading total IT solution provider specialized in world-class business management solutions from Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Human Resource Management (HRM) and Customers Relationship Management (CRM) to IT Infrastructure & Network Security. With over 30 years of experience and expertise for various industries, we serve over 3,000 corporate customers worldwide. 

達訊顧問有限公司是國際領先的一站式IT解決方案供應商,專門為企業提供世界一流的企業管理解決方案,包括企業資源規劃 (ERP)、人力資源管理 (HRM)、客戶關係管理(CRM)以及IT基礎設施及網絡安全。達訊擁有超過30年的企業管理解決方案經驗,至今已為世界各地超過3000多間企業客戶提供服務。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Leo Cheung
Tel 電話: 2185 1717
Email 電郵: info.solutions@dataworld.com.hk

5.DCL Communication Ltd 軒宇通訊有限公司

Our iDCmini is an all-in-one mini datacenter which includes uninterruptible power supply, environmental controls (such as air conditioning, fire suppression) and monitoring system. This is an innovative turnkey solution that offers an adequate and secure environment to fully protect the IT equipment with a relatively small budget and space. 


Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Alice Chow
Tel 電話: 2113 2951
Email 電郵: alice.chow@dcl.com.hk

6.DynaSys Solutions Ltd. 福達企業資源系統有限公司

DynaSys Solutions Limited provides a diversity of world-class business applications (e.g. SAP, Qlik, Informatica, CMD) and services to help all types of enterprises in maximizing their efficiency, agility and profitability. Our certified staffs provide professional consulting, support and education services to our customers. 


Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Ronnie Sung
Tel 電話: 3188 9933
Email 電郵: marketing@dynasys.com.hk

7.DYXnet Group 第一線集團

Established in 1999, DYXnet Group is a carrier-neutral network service provider in Greater China offering Multiprotocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network (MPLS VPN), Internet access, data centre, unified communications and network security solutions to enterprise clients with provisioning capability in cities in Greater China and the wider Asia Pacific region. 

成立於1999 年,第一線集團為大中華區領先的電訊中立網絡服務供應商,為大中華及亞太區城市企業客戶提供服務,包括多協議標籤交換虛擬專用網絡(MPLS VPN)、互聯網連接、數據中心、互聯網保安解決方案等。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Aries Chu
Tel 電話: 2187 7669
Email 電郵: aries.chu@dyxnet.com

8.Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd. 富士施樂(香港)有限公司

Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) offers various solutions for Technology Voucher Programme, including human resources management, smart lighting and electronic document management solutions help you to optimize business operations and enhance efficiency. 

富士施樂(香港)提供多元化的解決方案適用於申請科技劵計劃,當中包括人力資源管理、 智能燈管理及電子文件管理系統(EDMS),助您善用資源,增值轉型。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Maggie Lui
Tel 電話: 2513 2429
Email 電郵: maggie.lui@hkg.fujixerox.com

9.iGarment (Hong Kong) Ltd. 艾格文(香港)有限公司

iGarment has dedicated in providing management system for garment enterprises for 30 years, we are the first provider offering cloud service in the industry. The flagship products of iGarment are JOS Job Order System and iWorkPMS Production Management System. 

iGarment 30年專注為製衣業提供管理系統, 是業內首間雲端服務供應商。iGarment的旗艦產品包括JOS製衣跟單管理系統及iWorkPMS製衣生產管理系統。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Connie Wong
Tel 電話: 2239 5988
Email 電郵: marketing.hk@igarment.net

10.KDK Labs Ltd. 三立科技企業有限公司

The services provided by KDK Labs include: Appointment scheduling and queue management system, Augmented reality (AR) technologies system, Electronic procurement management system, Cyber security solution, Document management and mobile access system, Electronic inventory management system and Location based services (LBS). 

三立科技可提供的服務: 預約安排及輪候管理系統,擴增實境技術系統,電子採購管理系統,網絡安全方案,文件管理及流動存取系統,電子庫存管理系統,定位服務。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Fung King Chun
Tel 電話: 6109 2894
Email 電郵: kdklabs@gmail.com

11.Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd. 微軟香港有限公司

Gear up for the Cyberworld 
Cybersecurity has become an issue to companies with mobile workforce and sensitive data. Gear yourself up in this cyber world by having a comprehensive protection plan on users, device, application and data level. This prevents ransomware and allows the control of data access. Free yourself from cyber-attack and intrusion today with Microsoft Office 365 and Enterprise Mobility Suite. Starting from $230 per user per month. 

裝備自己 向網絡世界出發 
網絡安全對員工遍報世界各地和處理敏感資料的公司已是一個無可避免的難題。以全面保護用家、裝置、應用程式和資料的計劃去裝備自己,令自己免受勒索軟件的威脅。Microsoft Office 365配合Enterprise Mobility Suite 能阻止網絡攻擊和侵入,只需每月$230起/用家。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Tara Man
Tel 電話: 2804 7271

12.myID Ltd. 隨身學有限公司

myID limited is focus on IT administration platform development and supporting daily operation in SEM market. 
There are 3 major items, myOffice (mobile APP), myWebCMS and Inventory Master that can help SEM to manage internal resource as well as brand building in IT era. Our system can standalone operate individually or merge with other ERP system via API approaching. In addition, with 18 years’ experience, myID Limited also a major player in Hong Kong's Education IT Industry, especially on Primary and Secondary School。 

myID有限公司專注於管理平台開發,並支持SEM市場上的IT日常運營。 有3個主要項目,myOffice (手機程式),myWebCMS和Inventory Master,可以幫助SEM管理內部資源以及IT時代的品牌建設。 我們的系統可以獨立運行,或通過API與其他ERP等系統合併應用。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Keith Lau
Tel 電話: 9256 8403
Email 電郵: keith.lau@myit-school.net

13.NetSoft Ltd. 天行者網絡有限公司

NetSoft Limited is a system integration company established in 1996 with experts in Internet security and web based solution. We are expertise in providing document and website search platform to implement website and document search solution. Our solution provides a full text search engine similar to Google, this mean you can find out your documents such as HTML, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc which contain the search keywords. 

NetSoft成立于1996年,是一家系統集成公司,公司提供專業互聯網安全顧問服務和基於網絡的解決方案。 我們的產品「文件和網站搜索平台系統」是一個類似於Google的全文搜索引擎,系统會從文件庫裏找出所有包含用戶所輸入的關鍵字的文件,支持文件類型包括HTML,Word,Excel,Powerpoint,PDF等。

14.PCCW Ltd 電訊盈科有限公司

HKT which is one of the group members of PCCW understands the needs of SMEs and can assist your business every step of the way as an ICT service provider.

One-to-one consultancy from “HKT Tech Voucher Ambassadors”
HKT’s industry-specific solutions to enhance operational efficiency
Advice on best-fit business enhancement solutions and help with applying for a grant
Eliminates the need to hire external


Tel 電話: 120 120

15.QBS System Ltd. 比斯系統有限公司

QBS System Limited is one of the most professional IT companies in Hong Kong with more than two decades of experience in designing and implementing solutions for multinationals and SMEs. Our solutions included:

  1. Warehouse Management System
  2. Cold Chain Solution
  3. Barcode and RFID Solution
  4. Facility Management System


  1. 倉庫管理系統
  2. 冷鏈管理系統
  3. 條碼和RFID系統
  4. 設施管理系統

16.Ricoh Hong Kong Ltd 理光(香港)有限公司

Ricoh Hong Kong Limited (RHK) offers FlexiCloud Smart Office Suite to facilitate the automation of SMB’s financial and supply chain applications, including Information Security and Managed IT Services. Simplify business process and enhance productivity. RHK has provided various ICT solutions and services to promote the next era in enterprise connectivity, communication and collaboration. 


Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Wong
Tel 電話: 2833 7578
Email 電郵: solutions@ricoh.com.hk

17.SAP Hong Kong Co. Ltd.

SAP Hybris solutions provide omnichannel customer engagement and commerce software that allows organizations to build up a contextual understanding of their customers in real time, deliver a more impactful, relevant customer experience, and sell more goods, services and digital content across every touch point, channel and device. 

SAP Hybris解決方案致力於為企業提供全渠道客戶互動與商務軟件,幫助他們通過各種客戶接觸點、渠道和設備,基於情境實時了解客戶,交付更具影響力和相關性的客戶體驗,同時提高商品、服務和數字內容的銷量。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Helen Lam
Tel 電話: 9559 0019
Email 電郵: helen.lam@sap.com

18.SpoonUsability Co. Ltd.

SpoonUsability is a leading usability consultancy in Hong Kong. Our deliverables include mobile apps, cross platform system development, UI design, usability consultancy and guideline establishments, and workflow analysis for their mobile applications and enterprise level publishing application for web, desktop PCs, iPad and Android tablets and smartphones. 

SpoonUsability 創立於2011年,服務範圍包括:手機程式,企業級誇平台系統設計及開發,用戶界面設計,使用性設計準則制定等等。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Mr Dixon Wu
Tel 電話: 6390 2415
Email 電郵: dixon@spoonusability.com

19.TOGO Pacific Ltd. 道高太平洋有限公司

TOGO is a software house to develop Web-based Solution and Application. Being as the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for years, we have implemented various Web-based development projects, including ERP, Warehouse Management, Procurement, Logistics, Accounting, Manufacturing, CRM, Workflow Management, as well as Tailor-made Systems to fit different enterprises in different industries. 

TOGO是專門開發Web-based系統的軟件公司,已獲微軟金級認證多年。 我們實施各種 Web-based項目, 包括 ERP、庫存、採購、物流、會計、製造、CRM、流程管理以及訂制方案,以適應各行各業。

Contact Person 聯絡人: Ms Law
Tel 電話: 2793 1068
Email 電郵: sales@togo-pac.com

20.Wharf T&T Limited九倉電訊

Wharf T&T focuses on enabling customers' businesses with best-of-breed technologies.
TVP Solutions

  1. Network Security
  2. Document Management
  3. HR Management
  4. POS
  5. E-commerce Platform
  6. Customer Relationship Management


  1. 網絡安全
  2. 文件管理
  3. 人力資源管理
  4. 零售管理
  5. 電子貿易平台
  6. 客戶關係管理
Tel 電話: 121 888
Email 電郵: bm@wharftt.com